Art is a talent…

Archive for May, 2009

Stage Set Designs

Research- The 4 main types of stages

1. Proscenium stage: the audience is located on one side of the stage with the remaining sides hidden and used by the perfomers and technicians. (most common in the west)
2. Thrust Stage: May be similiar to proscenium stages but with a platform or performance area that extends into the audience space so that audience is located from three sides.
3. Theatre in the round: Audience is located on all four sides of the stage.
Backyards and curtains cannot be used, thus the director must find other ways to set the scenes.
Lightning desgn is more difficult than for a proscenium stagesince the actor must be lit from all sides without blinding nearby audience.
Actors cannot turn up their back to the audience for lond in order to be seen and heard clearly.

4. Incorparates created and found stages which may be cnstructed especially for a performance or may invlove space that is adapted as a stage.


Last term, in term 2 of KIS International School I was given the project of making a stage set from one of the Language Arts classes. . I wanted to makie my stage a bit gloomy and scary kind of thing. Take a look at the basic information:

Graveyard from Tuck Everlasting






Sad looking tree

Different shaped gravestones

Short dead grass

Sad looking branch

Clouds (gray outline)

No moon


I liked doing this project because it was fun painting and brainstorming ideas. But I did not put so much work into this and as a result, ended up ruining my work. My goal in mind was to make my graveyard abstract but I tried putting in some cartoon graves which did not work so well and was a major mistake in my final painting.

I was not able to finish this stage set because I missed one class when we had time to glue our wings and everything together. I apologise for that.

I learned that to make a painting good, one should follow only his goals. If he wants to change his ideas, he should try it on a draft or something. I should have done that.

Also, I learned that I have an abstract hand and if I put my mind to it, I can paint beautiful things. My graveyard was looking quite good before, but then I drew the cartoon graves and it was a little wierd looking.

Anyway, even though I did not do so well in this assessment, I am still satisfied because I have learned many different techniques which I can use later!

My draft, I dont have a picture of my final painting, :(

My draft, I dont have a picture of my final painting, 😦